Identifying the Internal and External Challenges and of Student Exercise in Khorasan Razavi Province

Document Type : Research Paper



The purpose of this study was to identify the opportunities and internal and external challenges of the student exercises of in Khorasan Razavi province. The research method was combined sequential exploratory that frst, qualitative method, then quantitative method, were used. In the qualitative stage, 36 teachers and education experts, physical education teachers and sport management professors of Khorasan Razavi province were interviewed and after studying books and articles related to the topic, identification of the variables related to the research was done. In total, eight variables related to opportunities, 35 variables related to internal challenges and 17 variables related to the external challenges of Khorasan Razavi province were identified. In quantitative stage, a specially designed AHP researcher-made questionnaire was designed, validated by four sport management professors and its reliability (according to the incompatibility rate of the questionnaire, which should be less than 0.1) was approved. For evaluating, 85 officials and experts, educators were used. The sampling method was qualitatively and quantitatively targeted and available. The existence of educational and health services in education with a relative weight of 0.241 from the viewpoint of educational managers and 0.239 from the viewpoint of the experts of educational institutions is the most important in the field of sport opportunities for students in Khorasan Razavi province, as well as inadequate funding for sport and transfer of these credits to other schools costs with a relative weight of 0.244 from the viewpoint of educational managers and 2.399 from the viewpoint of the experts is in the first place in the internal and external challenges section of the students sport in Khorasan Razavi province. On the other hand, there are some abnormalities among students due to the lack of sport activities with a relative weight of 0.232 from the viewpoint of educational managers and 0.242 from the viewpoint of the experts is of the highwst importance in the internal and external challenges section of the students sport in Khorasan Razavi province. Attention to the exercise of students by the officials, managers, experts and trainers of physical education will lead to potential talent in this sector, and subsequently the national championship sport will be developed.


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