The Effect of Conceptual Mapping on Learning the Science Course

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty member


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using a conceptual map in the teaching of the science of experimental sciences on student learning. The research method was a semi-experimental design with pre-test-post-test design, with the experimental and control group. For this purpose, 76 students from elementary school students in the sixth grade of the 19th district of Tehran in the academic year 2013-2014 were selected through targeted sampling. The data were collected by holding three stages of pretest, two stages of functional test and one step final test for measuring the learning as well as recording the class observations. To assess the validity of the tests, their content was adapted to the main purpose of the course and the questions were examined by the opinion of two senior teachers and experts from the elementary education groups of the Department of Education of the 19th District of Tehran, both in terms of appearance and content. Checked out. Due to the explanation of the test questions, the reliability of the tests was used to test the reliability of the scribes. The experimental group was trained using conceptual map and control group without intervention and in the traditional way each of 15 sessions was 45 minutes and for 5 months. For analyzing the data, descriptive and inferential statistical methods of covariance analysis have been used. The results of the research show that there is a significant difference between the level of learning of the two groups and the use of the concept map in teaching more than the traditional method has led to students learning in the experimental sciences.


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