Content Analysis of the Curriculum of Undergraduate Elementary Education at Farhangian University in Terms of Professionaism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professore, Department of Educational Sciences. Farhangian University, Isfahan, Iran

2 M.A. in Elementary Education. Farhangian University, Isfahan, Iran


The purpose of this study was curriculum content analysis of bachelor of the primary education of Farhangian University with respect to the components of professionalism. The research method was content analysis. The analysis unit was the objectives and criteria for the competencies of 67 unit of revised curriculum of the undergraduate course in the field of primary education at Farhangian University (2016). The registration unit was Themeof the objectives and criteria. Data collection tools included a content analysis checklist based on the components and indicators of the Danielson Teaching Assessment Framework (2013) in the form of four areas of planning and preparation, classroom environment, instruction and professional responsibilities, 22 main components and 120 indicators. The validity of the checklist was confirmed by 5 educational specialists. The reliability of the checklist was calculated by determining the agreement coefficient of the code 0.83. In order to analyze the data, Shannon entropy method was used. The results showed that in the curriculum of primary education, the areas of planning and preparation, classroom environment, education, and professional responsibilities were not considered in a balanced way. Also, the components of creating an environment with respect and support, accurate recording and maintenance of records, knowledge of resource use, application of questioning techniques and discussion have not been considered.


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