The Effect of Pedagogical Approach of Philosophy for Children on the Questioning in Science Course (The Case: First Grade Elementary School Students)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. in Educational sciences, Farhangian University, Shiraz, Iran.

2 Associate Profeser, Department of Fundamentals of Education, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

3 Professor, Farhangian University, Shiraz, Iran.


The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of Pedagogical a pproach of philosophy for children on the questioning Skills of first gradeelementary students in Science. A experimental method and pre test-post test design with control group were implemented to have the research hypotheses tested. All first grade male elementary students in Dasht e Arzhan district during school year of 2017-18 were selected as the statistical population of the research. Two schools were selected through random sampling and first grade students of both were determined to be experimental and control groups respectively. The training course was performed through Lippman's "Philosophy for Children"and community research by using a collection of thoughtful stories titled " How to Raise Children's Philosophical Ability and then the post test was conducted for both groups. By having Fisher's questioning measurement test as research tool, it was found out that the pedagogical approach of philosophy for children had positively affected the questioning skills of students in Science and based on Bloom's cognitive field there was a significant difference between the levels of questions belonged to the experimental group in pre test-post test and eventually the information-based questions of students in pre test had been upgraded to evaluative and analytical level in post test. Based on this and in order to increase the questioning skill, it was proposed that the pedagogical approach of philosophy for children is advisable to be implemented in Science course as a teaching method.


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