Notional Specification of Caring Thinking in Philosophy for Children Program to Design a Notional Framework and to Assess Challenges of Caring Thinking in Practice

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Philosophy of Education, Educational Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Organization for Educational Research and Planning, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Center Branch, Tehran, Iran


Present Study aims at devising a conceptual contemplation thinking framework in philosophy for children. Its methodology is an analytical- description with qualitative approach. Research population consists of all the primary and secondary resources of children's philosophy and related to research variables selected and studied objectively. Simultaneous to indexing process, relevant information was collected and data analysis was conducted regularly and constantly so that all data were classified and described. Findings indicate that in addition to relating element between critical and creative thinking, one can explain the clarification of a contemplation thinking by practical manifestation of them. Contemplation thinking aspects include rationality, responsibility, rational adaptability, and creativity, ethical imagination, institutionalizing ethical virtues, positioning, and contemplation in ethical concepts. The principles of contemplation thinking include believing and following value principles (absolute and nominal). Contemplation thinking aspects include appreciation, affective, active, and normative and empathy. Training philosophy for children would make the child familiar with acquiring courage, altruism and functionality and resulted oriented ethics and makes his/her thought close to social language. Hence, parents, parents as well as pedagogy coaches and policymakers are recommended to train contemplation thinking.


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