The Digital Transformation in Teaching-Learning Process: The Student-teachers Digital Competence Assessment

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student of Educational Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was to assess digital competence of student-teachers on the the digital transformation in teaching-learning-process by descriptive-quantitative method. statistical population consisted of all 1870 student-teachers of University of Student-Teachers in Qom in the academic year of2019-2020.Sample size was 318students based on Morgan table and stratified random sampling was proportional to size. Data were collected using a questionnaire that was adjusted based on Bond et al. (2018) research. Data analysis was performed with the descriptive statistics (mean and standard-deviation)for the main purpose of the study(Digital-Competency of Student-teachers) and in order to obtain more accurate information at the end, with the effect of gender on digital competence was investigated by inferential statistics(Mann-Whitney U Test).The research results showed that from the students' point of view, computers and search engines are the most useful and moocs and resource management software are the least useful in the teaching-learning process. A significant number of teachers are not familiar with some of the tools in question. Students have reported the highest level of skills in the use of chat applications and social networks and the least skills in the application of statistical software and resource management software. At the end, solutions were proposed to enhance the digital competency of future teachers.


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