Assessing the Instructional Program of Tahriri Handwriting and its Injuries in Farsi Language Arts Curriculum of Primary School, Grades 1-3

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Foundations of Curriculum Planning, Faculty of Curriculum Studies and Educational Innovations, Research Institute of Educational Studies, Tehran, Iran


This study which is part of cyclical evaluation of Farsi language arts curriculum in first cycle of primary school, from the intended curriculum to attained curriculum, seeks to recognize the process injuries and the students’ practices and teachers’ instruction shortcomings and strengths in Tahriri handwriting in above mentioned curriculum stages. The nature of research is defined in the framework of cyclical evaluation and the evaluation model stems from goal-oriented and management-oriented models of educational evaluation. In different stages to gather the needed data, different tools, including teachers’ reports, classroom observations, attitude test and questionnaire, and some interview with teachers have been used. The findings indicate that the majority of primary students, passing time, are confronted with lacks and difficulties in applying Tahriri handwriting in their manuscripts. Tahriri handwriting needs modeling and a great deal of practice and learning situations in classroom. That is much more than the potentiality of fist cycle of primary school pupils. Among the research suggestions is developing a manual of instructional guidelines of Tahriri handwriting to primary school students, one-on-one, by teachers.


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