Evaluation the Entrepreneurial Characteristics of Students in the E-Learning System for Designing and Implementing Entrepreneurship Education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management and Plannig, Facultyof Psychology and Educational University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Management, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

3 M. A. in of Educational Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Ph.D. Student in Economics of Higher Education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study is to evaluate the entrepreneurial characteristics of students within the context of e-learning to design an entrepreneurial profile and also to provide programs to strengthen it. The current research, in terms of objective, is applied and also a descriptive investigation. The statistical population of this study is composed of all students from the Mehralborz Institute of Higher Education as the first electronic institution in Iran which delivered all educational services electronically who have been selected to estimate the sample size by using the Cochran formula, 221 of them in different fields of study (master's level). The standard Kordnaij et al.‘s questionnaire on the personality characteristics of Iranian entrepreneurs was used to collect data and the sample was analyzed using SPSS software and a t-sample test. Findings show that students in the characteristics of risk-taking with (64) percent, internal control center with (82) percent, need for success with (73) percent, pragmatism with (73) percent, challenge-solving with (64) percent and overall entrepreneurial personality (64) % are above average (positive) but were rated below average in mental health, ambiguity tolerance, and dreaming characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to empower the entrepreneurial ability of faculty members and students through support programs such as study opportunities and internships in the industry and holding workshops to strengthen the intellectual capacity, tolerate ambiguity and students' dreaming on the one hand, and create communication networks between the university and industry, on the other hand, should be on the agenda.


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