The Effect of EQ Training on Social Skills and the Methods of Stress Management in Female Students of Shahed Secondary High Schools in Hamedan

Document Type : Research Paper



EQ, as one of the most important phenomenon in our daily life, is the last revolution and invention on the relationship between thought and emotion. This study aims to investigate the effect of EQ training on social skills and the Methods of Stress Management. In this quasi -experimental study, 30 participants selected from among the female students of the Shahed secondary high school in Hamedan city in 1389-90 and they occur in two groups through the random sampling ( treatment-control). In this study two questionnaires as pretest and posttest were administered i.e., Inderbitzen and Foster’s(1992) Social Skills questionnaire and Endler and Parker’s(1990) Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations. The students of treatment group participated in 12 ninety- minute sessions which held every weeks and lasted two months, approximately, however, the control group received no training. Data were analyzed via descriptive statistics (mean score and standard deviation) and inferential ones (multivariable covariance analysis). Findings reveal although EQ training has the high level of effect on social skills and the methods of stress management but has the lowest effect on emotion focused. It is concluded that EQ training has a significant effect on improving social skills and decision the methods of stress management.


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