Educational and Guiding Duty and Role of the Teacher from the Quraʼn's Point of View

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Islamic Theology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Theology, Faculty of Humanities, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Theology, Faculty of Humanities, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Teacher is one of the important elements of the educational system and has a persistent role and effective duty in the process of education. The guiding role of the teacher is one of the most important ones among them. In the modern world, the role of the teacher is comprehended within two approaches of "teacher as the transmitter of knowledge" and "teacher as the seller of knowledge". In Islamic thought, the idea of "teacher as the seller of knowledge" is not accepted since according to Quraʼn, every God-given blessing brings a responsibility and knowledge power are among those blessings which bring about responsibility and duty. Knowledge is sacred and known as "light", therefore, the idea of "teacher as the seller of knowledge" is refused. The second idea which considers teacher as "the transmitter of knowledge" is not accepted entirely, since according to Islamic education, being teacher is the occupation of prophets and the teacher is considered as an educator and role model who have an active and effective role in guiding and educating the students in addition to imparting knowledge to them. The main purpose of this research is to answer the question -based on Islamic education- that whether the teacher is also a guiding agent -in addition to his/her role in imparting concepts and contents? By supposing the answer as positive, some verses of the holy Quraʼn have been cited to prove this answer. The result of the discussion -which has been done using qualitative and descriptive-analytical method-, is that the teacher has a guiding role and duty in educating students which cannot be dismissed. 


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