Construction and Evaluation of Validity and Reliability of Organizational Learning Capability Questionnaire in Farhangian University

Document Type : Research Paper


1 . Department of Educational Sciences, Mashhad branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Department of Educational Sciences, Mashhad branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran


Due to the lack of tools for measuring organizational learning ability in universities, the purpose of this study was to construct and validate an organizational learning ability questionnaire in Farhangian University.The purpose of this study was to build and validate the questionnaire of organizational learning in Farhangian University. The study was instrumental with an analytical approach and the statistical population of the scientific and executive elite was aware of the issue that the factors were identified by Delphi method. Morgan 196 questionnaires were analyzed.First 153 items were identified and then converted to 83 items, then by CVR and CVI coefficient determination method, 25 items were removed and finally 58 items were analyzed by exploratory factor, including 9 factors organizational management, organizational strategy, organizational environment, and organizational structure. Organizational culture, organizational innovation, organizational technology, organizational climate, leadership style identified 71.59% of the total questionnaire. Then confirmatory factor analysis was performed and the results showed that the factor load of all items was suitable for measuring their factors. In order to evaluate the external and internal reliability of the model, Cronbach's alpha coefficient and combined reliability were used to evaluate the convergent validity of the AVE index, and to evaluate the divergent validity, the Fornel and Larker methods were used, all of which were confirmed.


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