The Content Adaptation of Elementary Curriculum with the Needs Associated with Promoting Students' Environmental Literacy in the Cognitive Domain from the Teachers' Point of View

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Payame Noor University

2 Payame Noor University


The purpose of this study was to study the degree of adaptation of the content of elementary school curricula to the needs related to the promotion of students' environmental literacy in the cognitive domain of elementary school teachers' point of view in Azna in 2019. This research is applied in terms of purpose and terms of data collection, it is a descriptive correlational one. The statistical population of all teachers employed in the elementary schools of Azna city in the school year of 2019-2020 was 951 teachers who were selected using a proportional multistage random sampling method of 270 teachers. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire based on Bloom's cognitive domain classification. To investigate the validity of the questionnaire structure, confirmatory factor analysis with the covariance approach by Lisrel8.8 software, formal validity, and content with experts' opinions and reliability of Cronbach's alpha has been used. Also, to investigate the type of data distribution, the coefficients of skewness and elongation have been used and to study the research questions, the independent t-test and Friedman test have been used. The results showed that the curriculum of elementary corresponded with the needs related to the promotion of students' environmental literacy in the field of knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, composition, and evaluation from the elementary teachers of Azna. Of course, the degree of desirability of domains was not the same, and the ranking of domains in terms of the degree of attention in the curriculum was analysis, knowledge, composition, evaluation, application, and understanding.


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