Investigating the Status of Social undermining of Employees and Its Relationship with Job Alienation of Employees of Lorestan General Directorate of Education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Uni, Azad, Kermanshah

2 Uni, Farhangian


The aim of this study was to investigate the social undermining and tear of employees and its relationship with job alienation of employees of Lorestan General Directorate of Education. The study method was descriptive-analytical correlation. The statistical population included all the employees of the General Department of Education of Lorestan Province in 2016, numbering 371 people, of which 191 people were selected by available sampling method. Data collection tools were standard questionnaires of social undermining of Duffy et al. (2002) and job alienation of Sedaghatifard and Abdollahzadeh (2009). Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, Pearson correlation coefficient, Khido, stepwise regression were used to analyze the data by SPSS 21 software. Findings showed: A significant percentage of employees have experienced two dimensions of undermining with supervisor and undermining with co-worker. The coefficient of multiple correlation between social undermining of employees and job alienation of employees was equal to 0.438 and its coefficient of determination was equal to 0.191. Also, Pearson correlation coefficient between supervisor undermining dimension and job alienation (r = 0.405) and peer undermining dimension at individual level and job alienation (r = 0.377) at 1% alpha level was significant (P<0.001).


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