The Role of Transformational Leadership of Universities’ Managers in Capability of Their Academic Members (Focusing on Tehran University)

Document Type : Research Paper



This study aims to investigate the transformational leadership role of managers and capabilities of the academic members of Tehran University. In this applied descriptive study, 152 academic members of Tehran University’s Social and Behavioral Science Pardis were selected from among 315 professors based on stratified random sampling. Data were collected through Bass & Ovolio (1997) transformational leadership questionnaire and Spreitzer & Mishra(1997) Psychological Empowerment questionnaire which their reliability confirmed through Cronbach Alpha formula ( for each questionnaire r= 0.77& 0.79, respectively). Findings revealed that transformational leadership of managers and psychological empowerment of academic members of the university are higher than average and there is a positive significant relationship between them. Multiple regression analysis shows that transformational leadership components including ideal traits, ideal behavior, inspirational motivation, intellectual encouragement, and individual considerations can predict the capabilities of the academic members of Tehran University. 


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