Identifying the Trans-regional Components of Citizenship Education in the School of Islam

Document Type : Research Paper


1 A Ph.D. Student in Philosophy of Education, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department Research Institute of Education, Minesrty of Education, Tehran, Iran

4 Professor, Department of Curriculum Planning, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences, Tehran,


The present study aimed to identify the trans-regional components of citizenship education in the school of Islam, using the method of qualitative content analysis to analyze the content of texts related to citizenship education. The statistical population of this research is the collection of thoughts of thinkers, experts and scientists in the field of citizenship education in Islam who have directly and indirectly commented on citizenship education. For this purpose, in order to achieve the purpose of the research, articles, books, documents, journals, dissertations, doctoral dissertations and available websites are reviewed and these thoughts and ideas, to review and analyze the selected topic, file and use these texts to The achievement of theoretical saturation continued. The data collection tool was fiches. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis and triple coding techniques (open, axial and selective) using MAXQDA12 software. To qualitatively validate the data, an acceptable and valid technique was used through data collection from various sources. In addition, five Islamic theologians and professors of philosophy of education, as subject matter experts, were consulted to review and validate the data. In the process of analysis, 205 open code as indicator, 22 central codes as components and 2 selected codes with political and social titles were identified as dimensions of Islamic citizenship education with a trans-regional perspective. By conducting more research, the field of compiling and presenting a universal model to introduce the concept of Islamic citizenship education to the world as a prosperous model for global citizens beyond religion and ethnicity, etc. should be provided.


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