An Exploration of the Teachers’ Methods and Practices Regarding Homework Assignment in Junior Elementary Education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Human Scinces, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Human Scinces, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

3 Elementary Teacher, Kashan Department of Education, Kashan, Iran


The purpose of this inquiry was exploring teachers' methods and practices regarding homework assignment in junior elementary education. An interview-based qualititavie research method was adopted for this purpose. The Statistical population included experienced teachers in junior elementary level in the city of Kashan. 33 teachers were selected accordning to purposeful sampling method for interviewing. The interview data were analyzed through fragmental and holistic coding method in Atlas.ti software. Coding reliability was estimated to be around 0.65 to 0.75 according to intercoder aggrement and Holistic Index. After coding and stepwise refinement of codes in Atlas.ti, six semantic networks were discovered which revealed teachers’ productive use of homework: 1. As a Strategy for more complete learning; 2. As a Strategy for developing participation; 3. As a Strategy for formative evaluation and teaching improvement; 4. As a Strategy for differentiated instruction; 5. As a Strategy for giving feedback; and 6. As a Strategy for diversifying instructional activities. One complementary and substantial finding of this research is the considerable differences in teachers’ methods for homework assignment: The required time for completing homework varies to a great extent, teachers may change the nature of homework due to the pressure they experience from the parents, principal and other teachers’ side, and there is no consistent and settled approach regardning homework evaluation. 


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