Leadership of Teachers' Informal Learning in School: Developing and Validating a Model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D. Student in Educational Administration, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


This research study is intended to design a model of indicators and dimensions of leadership for teachers' informal learning. This research study applied a descriptive-exploratory methodology based on qualitative approach. The researchers used content analysis for investigating the targeted variable (leadership of informal learning). The participants of the study for the interview were university lecturers and experienced educational experts who were acquainted with the research topic. The selected respondents had useful experimental and practical knowledge about the research topic. They were selected via the non-probability judgmental sampling. Data was gathered based on interview sessions which were conducted on 25 educational experts. The interview data was coded in such a way that aggregate codes were obtained from the initial extracted codes. The aggregate codes were investigated and integrated; then, the related variables and dimensions were developed from them. After that, a model was proposed based on the developed and extracted variables and dimensions. The obtained results indicated that the leadership model for teachers’ informal learning included the following 3 dimensions: opinions, strategies and behaviors. In the proposed model, the opinion factor had the following four layers or components: belief in teamwork, belief in the status and role of informal learning, knowledge of non-formal learning of strategies, belief in the role of values in informal learning.  The strategy factor had the following five variables: providing an appropriate atmosphere in school for promoting learning, paying attention to different methods and education, organization and coordination, evaluation of learning findings, paying attention to management style and approach. The behavior factor had the following eight variables: supporting the exchange and sharing of information and experiences in school environment, supporting communication and negotiation atmosphere at school, creating a sense of competition in school environment, the extent to which the school principal supports using informal learning, supporting the use of experts' experiences, using motivational incentives, focusing on teachers and learners’ psychological characteristics.


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