Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting the Attracting and Retaining Manpower in Education of Less Privileged areas

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Educational Administration, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Educational Siences, Facukty Human and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran


The purpose of this research is to test the experimental components of the methods of attracting and retaining human resources in areas with less education and training in order to fairly classify the areas into educational facilities and services and to examine the difference of these components according to demographic changes. It is a little descriptive-survey type. The statistical population is the teachers of Kurdistan province, 616 of these teachers were selected through class sampling and then by selecting simple random samples independently from within each class. The information was collected through a researcher-made questionnaire of 40 speakers. The six main components determined from the qualitative part were analyzed to check the state of absorption and durability. The results of the analyzes using statistical tests showed that there is no significant difference in the demographic components, in the field of study and gender for the components of absorption and retention, and there is a significant difference for the degree and work experience. Friedman's test for prioritizing the components from the participants' point of view showed that the altruism component has the highest priority and the lack of administrative health has the lowest priority. Also, the second-order factor analysis showed that the model has a good fit. Based on the findings, it can be argued that if we use the factors of altruism and socio-occupational identity as a criterion for absorption and persistence and prevent the occurrence of factors of administrative health and inequality and discrimination, and also for teachers to stay in less privileged areas. By prioritizing desirable support structures and job requirements, we will achieve a more stable situation in the education of less resource-rich areas.


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