A Three-layer Pattern for Feasibility and Establishment of Life School by Meta-synthesis Method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in Administration Education, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabili, Iran


In today's world, education is one of the most important and effective organizations for personal and social development of human beings. Life School that sometimes referred to as the "school for life", has the mission of achieving the all-encompassing and holistic goals of education. The purpose of this study was to provide A Three-layer Pattern for Feasibility and Establishment of Life School by Meta-Synthesis Method. The statistical population includes previous research (articles, projects and dissertations) in the field of life school, which was selected as a statistical sample with the purposeful approach of the most relevant studies. In order to determine the importance and priority of the extracted codes, Shannon quantitative entropy method was used. The research findings were identified and categorized into 5 categories, 22 concepts and 98 codes, which are 5 main categorie: Identify pedagogy, infrastructure, organizational culture and climate, human resources and effective social communication. after the research steps, the model of determining and effectively establishing the Life school in three layers of feasibility, conceptual design and implementation structure and establishment of Life school is presented. In the feasibility stage, the acceptance of the model, determining the prerequisites and analyzing the current situation and the gap until the implementation of the new plan is measured. In the design phase, the identification of pedagogy is considered, and determining the type of learning and the purpose of learning is the basis of any action. In the phase of establishing infrastructure, organizational culture and atmosphere, human resources and effective social communication with comprehensive management are implemented.


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