A Study of the Mathematics Textbooks of the First Cycle of the Elementary School from the Perspective of the Components of Mathematical Literacy through Real-world Problems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in Mathematics Education, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of the study, which was conducted by content analysis method, is to evaluate problems of mathematics textbooks in the first cycle from the perspective of the components of mathematical literacy with the help of real-world problems. The ability to connect between the real world and the mathematical world or mathematical literacy is enhanced by contextual problems. The statistical population of math textbooks is the first, second and third grades of elementary school and the sample size is equal to the population. The research tool is content analysis checklists whose face and content validity has been approved by experienced experts and its reliability has been confirmed by Holst formula. The results showed that in general, 26.71% of the problems raised in these three textbooks are context-oriented and their number increases with increasing educational level. Standard application problems with 24.71% have been the most contextual problems raised in these textbooks, and yet in terms of the level of connection with the real world they are more similar to problems with separable contexts and no modeling problems in these books have not been raised. Finally, the contextual problems of these textbooks are far from the standard set in international mathematical literacy studies.


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