Fitting of Entrepreneurship Education Model based on skill Training on Technical and Vocational Education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D of Entrepreneurship, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Department of Educational Administration, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


The present study was conducted to fit the entrepreneurship education model based on Training in Technical and Vocational Education. This research is based on practical purpose and has used quantitative method with structural equation modeling approach. The statistical population included all experts and faculty members in the field of entrepreneurship education, trainers and technical and professional managers in the city of Tehran. The statistical sample was selected through the purposeful sampling method. The research tool of the researcher-made questionnaire included 62 items that measure 16 constructs in the research model. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the psychometric properties of the research instrument confirmed. Data analysis was done using the structural equation approach to measure the fit of the model and the relationships between the structures in it. The results showed that personality traits, the content of educational programs, educational methods, educational models, abilities, and competencies of coaches and participatory managerial approaches are related to entrepreneurial skills training. There is also a relationship between infrastructure, government support, the relationship between the technical and vocational education system and industry, the entrepreneurial ecosystem's support for trainees, economic factors, the validity of technical and vocational certifications, and the mass media view of entrepreneurial ability. In addition, the structural model obtained using AMOS software indicates the appropriate fit of the model, that the factors studied in the model in the form of independent variables have been able to explain about 20% of entrepreneurial skills and 19% of entrepreneurial ability.


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