Analysis of the Contents of the Science Textbooks of the First Elementary Period, based on the Amount Of Attention to Science Process Skills with Shannon Entropy Method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.Sc. Student in Elementary Science Education, Farhangian University, Shahid Rajaei Campus, Shiraz, Iran


The general purpose of this research is to analyze based on the amount of attention to process skills. For this purpose, the eleven elements of the components related to the process skills were used. The statistical society consisted of science textbooks of first elementary course. In this research, Shannon entropy content analysis method has been used. The results of the research show that out of a total of 578 units registered the most frequent related to the communication with 192 units (33.21 %) and the observation with 168 units (29.06 %). The least repeat for the predictive with 9 units (1.56 %) and the research design with 0 units (0 %). Maximum values ​​of the coefficient of importance of the prosses skills in science textbooks of the first elementary course, related to the communiction and the conclusion (0.115), the hypotessis (0.101) and the research design (0) is in the last rank. In total, the component of the research design in the textbooks of the sciences of the first period has been ignored and neglected, and this is a factor in the unbalance of the components of process skills in the textbook.


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