Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Tripartite Formative Assessment for Enhancing the High school student's Mathematical Performance

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Mathematics, Andimeshk Branch, Islamic Azad University, Andimesh, Iran


The Enhancement of students' mathematical performance has always been an important concern in Mathematics education research. However, most of studies deal exclusively with the theoretical dimensions of the issue. Its practical aspects have remained a highly under-researched area. The present study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of a tripartite formative assessment program for enhancing the students' mathematical performance in a practical way. This program consists of three pivotal elements: goal selection, goal-directed instructions, and immediate instructional feedback. The research has a semi-experimental design. To do this, two groups of high school teachers and students were randomly selected. The experiment group consisted of 25 mathematics teachers and 382 students, and the control experiment consisted of 25 mathematics teachers and 404 students. The results showed that the formative assessment with high frequency ( 4 times a week) along with immediate instructional feedback had a significant, positive effect on the students' performance. The statistical findings showed that the formative assessment with high frequency resulted in students' progress up to %80. In addition, the results showed that the teachers' years of experience had no significant difference in the enhancement of students' performance.


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