Grounded Theory Model on Talent Identification of Students Prone to Teaching Job

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student, Department of Educational Administration, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran


The aim of the current research is to provide a model of talent identification of students with potential for teaching jobs in secondary schools using a qualitative Grounded theory. The sample of the research was selected by the purposeful sampling method of the judgment type, and the data reached theoretical saturation by interviewing the 19th person. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis method and using MexQuda qualitative data analysis software during three stages of primary, secondary and conceptual coding. Based on the findings of the research, the causal conditions of the aptitude model consisted of 21 secondary codes with three concepts including personality dimensions, skills and corresponding tendencies. For the contextual category, 12 secondary codes corresponding to the concepts of legal, managerial, executive and political inadequacies were extracted. The central category of students' talent search was identified with the secondary codes of knowledge management, effectiveness, job satisfaction and productivity. Intervening components were explained with the concepts of national values, politicization, improper talent management, national culture, Iran's economic embargo, domestic political conditions, culture and family conditions.The strategies were categorized into two long-term (reform management style, talent management, strategic management, cultural transformation and structural reforms) and short-term (reform recruitment and hiring system, incentive policies and performance evaluation). Finally, the consequences of talent identification model were presented through 8 secondary codes in the four dimensions of social development, individual development, balance between education and education and promotion of teacher status. Theoretical reasoning, along with the multi-level analysis of the consequences of talent search in the context of education, helps in making optimal decisions at all levels and achieving organizational goals.


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