Phenomenology of the concept of enduring teachers in students' lived student experience

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in Philosophy of Islamic Education, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran

2 . Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran


The purpose of this study is"phenomenology of the concept of sustainable teachers in students'student experience".Based on this,13 students of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman were selected by voluntary-purpose sampling method and they were interviewed semi-structured.The research method was qualitative and phenomenological.Interviews were analyzed using the clyzer method.The research findings indicate that a lasting teacher is a teacher who tries to observe three dimensions,which are in fact the same as the main themes,in himself or in their education.These three main dimensions or themes include the educational dimension,the physical dimension and the communication-moral dimension.In the educational dimension four sub-themes were obtained,including paying attention to the motivation of students'progress,self-empowerment,commitment and using various teaching methods and techniques
The second theme included the apparent dimension,with asub-theme of preserving the honors related to the role of teacher,the third theme also included the two sub-themes of being receptive and avoiding moral virtues and acquiring good moral virtues in them.Analysis of the content of students statements revealed that most ofthe extracted codes belonged to the communication-ethical dimension and this shows that students pay more special attention to how to communicate and maintain teachers'morals in relation to themselves Afterthat,there was an educational dimension of more attention thanthe physical dimension


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