Comparing the structure and main elements of the lesson plan in selected international sources of teaching methods with selected sources of teaching methods in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, P.O. Box 14665-889, Tehran, Iran


the aim of the current research is to compare the structure and main elements of the lesson plan in selected international sources of teaching methods with selected sources of teaching methods in Iran. The research method is a comparative study and qualitative content analysis was used. The statistical population includes selected international sources of teaching methods. The selected experts of three leading countries in the field of lesson plans, including the United States, England, and Canada, were purposefully compared as examples of research, the selection and structure and main elements of the lesson plans of those three experts were compared with the sources of two leading experts of Iran, Shabani (2010) and Safavi (2010). . The tool for collecting information is the form of scanning documents. The approach of data analysis is descriptive-analytical. The findings indicate that the structure and elements of the lesson plan in Iran are more linear and have a longer process than the lesson plan in the selected countries. This factor complicates the process of designing and implementing the lesson plan. The similarities are mostly in the elements, materials and resources, behavioral goals and lesson presentation.


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