Study and analysis of the effect of bilingualism on the learning rate of literature courses among high school students in Dasht-e Azadegan of Khuzestan province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 university farhangian shhrkord

2 Secretary of Education


One of the most important issues facing educational planners and teachers today is the relationship between bilingualism and education. A bilingual term is used for individuals or communities that use more than one language in their communication. Intermittent use of language by a person is bilingual and the person doing so is called bilingual. A bilingual person becomes acquainted with and learns another language that has become popular in the country and is a second language for him / her, so that he / she can speak and understand both languages at any time. Therefore, bilingualism is one of the important issues of the educational system of multilingual countries; Because bilingualism is common in today's world. The present study investigates and analyzes the effect of bilingualism on the rate of learning literature courses among secondary school students in Dasht-e Azadegan. In this study, 210 bilingual Arabic-Persian students from girls' high schools in Dasht-e Azadegan with 100 monolingual Persian-speaking students from the last asphalt and Alawite areas of Ahvaz, who in terms of cultural and social conditions and school facilities with Dasht-e Azadegan city is of the same level, they were selected randomly. of Persian skills. educational status.
