Narrating the formation of a special school for labor children and exploring the elements of the curriculum in it

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Methods and Curriculum, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of the Faculty of Psychology and Education University of Tehran


The aim of this study was to investigate the formation of professional identity and life experiences of the principal and founder of the first set of special schools for labor children in Tehran. The research is a narrative inquiry and qualitative and interpretive research in which the technique of narrative interview and field text is used. Exploring of the narratives indicated the profound effect that school experiences had on changing the beliefs and shaping the professional identity of the research participant. Based on fundamental reform document of education and in accordance with the needs of labor children, he has designed a special curriculum called "Growth Pattern" in the collection of schools for labor children, which has been successful in implementation. The results showed that educating labor children requires adopting a supportive approach in schools and changing the current curriculum in accordance with the needs of children in order to empower them. The results showed that education for labor children requires the adoption of a supportive approach by ministry of education and cooperation of this organization with municipalities and welfare organizations, and also empowerment of labor children requires changes in the current curriculum elements according to the needs of these children.
