understanding the categories of aesthetics; Inspiring horizons in educational activities (Recognition of the fundamental change document)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Educational Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Payam Noor University, Iran


Aesthetics is one of the branches of philosophy that has found more use in the field of education. This article is organized to recognize and expand the understanding of the dimensions of aesthetics in the field of educational activities of schools. The basic data of the qualitative research was collected from 28 sources related to the West and 45 sources related to the transformation document in the field of aesthetics. The data were analyzed by analytical inductive method and 66 categories were deduced from their analysis. The obtained categories were compared and the main components of aesthetics were identified in educational activities. Based on the main components, the conceptual model of aesthetics in educational activities and the executive model of its inspiring horizons in activities were presented. Triangulation of the results from the sources with MAXQDA and polling by different researchers showed the convergence and validity of the findings. Therefore, based on the codification model, with the aesthetic approach and contextualization of educational activities, moral, social, and rational education goals can be achieved, relaxing, developed, and dynamic, by the developmental course of students in the three educational courses.
