The role of personality traits, quality of education and individual strengths in pre-service teachers' attitudes towards teaching profession

Document Type : Research Paper



The main purpose of the present study was to predict the pre-service teachers' attitudes towards teaching profession based on personality traits, quality of education and individual strengths. The statistical population is formed of 608 student-teachers studying at the Farhangian University of Yazd. The final sample consisted of 255 student-teachers (130 male and 125 female) were considered by stratified random sampling method to select proportional. In order to collect data from four questionnaires of short form personality traits (neo–ffi), educational quality by Sharifzade & Abdollahzade (1390), individual strengths by Peterson and Seligman (2004), and the attitude towards teaching profession by Stiner (2009), were used. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistical indexes, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple simultaneous regression method. The research results revealed that there is a significant positive relationship between individual strengths components, personality traits (aside from neuroticism) and educational quality components (other than the quality of facilities, infrastructure and the support) with the attitude of the student teachers to teaching profession. Furthermore, the results of multiple regression analysis showed that mentioned variables in total can be explain %24.80 of the variance in attitudes toward teaching profession and the pleasant is the best predictor towards teaching profession. On the basis of findings of this study, it could be recommended that the Farhangian University according to the personality and individual strengths of the teacher job applicants on arrival, providing optimum educational quality in teacher training institutions, develop in them positive attitude background towards teaching profession.


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