Measuring the components of professional ethics in education complied by faculty members of Shiraz University

Document Type : Research Paper



This study aimed to Measuring the components of professional ethics in education complied by faculty members of Shiraz University. The research method was descriptive. Statistical population includes all students of University of Shiraz, which 400 of them were selected as sample. Data collected using questionnaire that its validity was confirmed in the eyes of teachers and its reliability using Cronbach's alpha coefficient 0/84 is determined. The findings showed that: 1) In view of students the average of components of professional ethics in education complied by faculty members of Shiraz University was higher than the hypothetical average. Among the components of professional ethics, confidentiality component of students by faculty has the highest average (3/94) and the components of non-discrimination between students with the lowest average is 3/23; 2(Between the attitudes of students according to gender, educational levels and field of study, about some of the components of professional ethics in education, there is a significant difference.


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