The Interactive Role of Psychological Capital and Organizational Identity on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Accountability of Education Staff

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor in Educational Administration, Department of Education, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran, Tel: +98 912 2883324,, Adress: Kilometere 35, Tabriz/Azarshahr Road Tabriz,


The current study was done aiming at the survey of the relationship and prediction of organizational citizenship behavior and accountability through the psychological capital with regard to role of moderator variable of organizational identity.The research method was descriptive correlation. The research population consisted was 225, all education staff, whom wee chosen 180 people according to Morgan randommly-stratified. The data were gathered through Lutthans et al. (2007) standard questionnaires of psychological capital, Mael and Ashforth (1992) organizational identity, Podsakoff et al. (2000) organizational citizenship, Hochwarter et al. (2005) accountability. For data analysis was used the Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple modereated regression throuth SPSS statistical software. The research findings demonstrated a meaningful relationship between the variables. The interactive role of psychological capital and organizational identity on organizational citizenship behavior in education staff was approved. For the staffs with psychological capital, increasing organizational identity encompasses enhancing organizational citizenship behavior. But, the interactive role of psychological capital and organizational identity on accountability was not confirmed. The results put emphasis on the necessity of increase employees' identification with the organization, their psychological capital development and recognize the role of these variables on the consequences of job.


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