Comparing Effectiveness of Two Educational Methods: Role Playing and Question Method on Responsibility and Critical Thinking of the First Female High school Students

Document Type : Research Paper



This is an experimental study in which multiple group patterns with pretest and posttest with control group is used. The population of this study consists of all first grade female high school students of a governmental school in area 2 of Tehran city. One high school was randomly selected between 35 high schools. This high school (Hoda) had 6 first grade class and 195 students. Watson Glaser critical thinking questionnair (1980) and Ne'maati responsibility questionnaire (1378) was performed on 195 students. Fortyfive students who had one standard deviation below the average score were randomly devided into two experimental groups and one control group. The results showed that both methods, Q & A and role playing, were effective on critical thinking and responsibility. In order to increase responsibility and critical thinking of first grade high school students, teachers can use role playing and Q & A method.


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