Design Patterns the Professional Ethics of Elementary School Teachers: Case Study of Government boys’ Primary School Teachers in Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of faculty of Educational sciences and Psychology at University of Tehran.

2 MA student in Educational sciences and Psychology at University of Tehran.


The root of many of the behaviors and activities of principals and teachers should be probed in ethical and moral values. Meanwhile, attention to professional ethics and its implications are the basic researching issues in the organizational areas. The basic objective of this study was to Design Patterns the professional Ethics of Elementary school teachers (Case Study: Government boys’ primary school teachers in Tehran). For the purpose of qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. The qualitative part to study the factors shaping the professional Ethics of Elementary school teachers discussed the model of professional qualifications and in the quantitative part of the survey was designed to assess the situation and take the test pattern. In the qualitative interviews and quantitative tools used in the questionnaire. Envisaged in the conceptual model of quality, by questionnaires by the city’s 366 elementary school teacher were tested using structural equation analysis. The results showed that the seven basic components of the professional Ethics of Elementary School Teachers. These components include: Honesty, Justice, Responsibility, Human dignity, Respect, Circuit laws, Loyalty.


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