Standardization of Langer Mindfulness Scale in Women Teachers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M. A. in Educational Psychology at Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University,

2 Associate Professor in Psychology at Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University


The purpose of present research was “Validate of Langer Mindfulness Scale in women teachers”. From the whole number of women teachers of the girls secondary schools in Tehran that were 21110 in 1393-94, selected 385 teachers through multi-steps cluster-randomized sampling. Mindfulness is a strategy that is being used with increased frequency and receiving mainstream acceptance around the world as a means to enhance both students and teachers wellbeing. The Langer Mindfulness Scale is constructed by Langer (2004) and contains scales for assessing engagement, novelty producing, flexibility, and novelty seeking. In the first step, validity of translation of 21-item Langer Mindfulness Scale has confirmed by several experts. Data were analyzed using descriptive and correlational project, Confirmatory factor analysis, Principal axis methods and Eigen value. Principal component analysis with Varimax rotation extracted four factors. Despite the reduction of items, the constructions remained the same as original scale and then performed by sample teachers. Coefficient for factors computed 0/51-0/75. Finally, A 14-item scale with 4 factors was extracted which justifies %40/07 of the variance.


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