The Influence of Electronic Assignment of the Homework on Student’s Performance of Mathematics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor at Faculty of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran South Branch

2 MA in Psychology from Islamic Azad University, Tehran South Branch

3 MA in Psychology from University of Tehran

4 MA in Psychology from Islamic Azad University, Roudhen Branch


The role and importance of technology in improving the quality of education in schools is too compelling to ignore. The increasing development of human access to modern technology and complex needs of man, remind us for the need to reconsider traditional methods of education more than any other time The present study is conducted by the goal of checking impact of electronic tasks on mathematical operation of second grade elementary students in the context of a semi experimental design with pre test and post test. This type of research is research field and target population of this research is all student of elementary schools of mallard province that according to statistics are 2500 persons. Between second grade classes, 2 classes of 25 subjects (one class per school) were selected as sample and randomly divided in experimental and control group. They were in the same teaching situation in mathematical (same equipment, lessen content, teacher). The difference is that students in the experimental group used electronic bag for homework completion and students in the control group with conventional manner did their homework. The mean scores on the math test was performed using analysis of covariance showed homework assignments electronically over the traditional method improves the performance of students in mathematics.


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