A Model on the Role of Motivation in Predicting Academic Achievement of High School Students through the Mediation of Perfectionism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Psychology at Payame Noor University. Tehran Branch

2 PhD Candidate of Psychology at Payame Noor University, Tehran Branch


The aim of this study was to investigate of motivational believes role in predict of academic achievement by mediate of perfectionism in high school students. Design of this research in methodological perspective was multivariate correlation design and structural equation modeling. Social societies of research were including all of Tehran's high school students in 2015 educational year. Research sample was including of 310 people that were selected by multistage clustering between high school students from seven state area schools. To data collection was used from Pintrich motivational believes, Hill perfectionism and academic achievement scores. Structural equation modelling was used to data analyzing in AMOS software.
Results showed that there was positive and significant correlation between motivational believes and academic achievement (p<0/001). Also results showed that there was negative correlation between motivational believes and perfectionism. This negative correlation has mediator and reductive role in relationship between motivational believes and academic achievement. This mediator role of perfectionism led to reduce direct correlation from 0/15 to 0/08. According to model indicators, can tell that direct and indirect effects of learning strategies can predict students’ academic achievement in 0/99 confidence level. Also motivational believes can be important key to percept of different behaviors in students such as educational performance, academic fail and academic achievement during of educational period. In this perfectionism has reductive role to motivational believes that is best be in attended.


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