aThe effect of application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with the constructivist approach on active learning of the experimental science teaching in the fourth elementary students of Alborz Province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Lecturer of Farhangian University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabaei University


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ICT as a method with the constructivist approach on the active learning of the experimental sciences in the fourth-grade students compared to the traditional one. Subjects were 184 elementary school students from Alborz province who were randomly selected and assigned to two groups of control and test. First, both groups trained in the traditional way and then the pre-test was carried out. The data collection tool was a teacher-made academic achievement test that was used for both pre-test and post-test evaluation in both groups. The test questions are based on the educational objectives of the fourth dimension elementary school of mirrors and electric lesson of experimental science. The supplementary training of the experimental group through the use of new technologies and the of the teacher-based electronic content on the MSS model, connecting to the Internet and using the educational software, while in the control group it was in the traditional way. After performing the post-test, SPSS-10 software was used to analyze the data. The results of the research after the post-test and its comparison with the pre-test showed that the average score of the experimental group was more than the control group. Also, the incremental scores of the experimental group compared the control group to a higher average and showed an increase in the level of learning of these students.


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