Successful intelligence and its impact on the performance of students in the Internship new program of Farhangyan Univercity

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor, Department Of Psychology, Farhangyan University


Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of teaching of successful intelligence components on student teachers performance in Internships curriculum. For this study, 30 student teachers in both experimental and control groups in terms of internship courses in the academic year 1393-94 Farhangyan University, Center of Higher Education Imam Sadeq of Behbahan With random sampling method were selected. Before and after teaching the components of successful intelligence, using the Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy teaching self-efficacy scale, and Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking questionnaires, two variables critical thinking and teaching self-efficacy were studied. Analysis of covariance showed that teaching components of successful intelligence, increases critical thinking and teaching self-efficacy to students as the main objectives of internship curriculum; In addition, The academic performance of students in internship courses increased by teaching the components of successful intelligence.


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