Creation and validation of the questionnaire on the quality assessment of faculty members of the Farhangian University: A 360-degree approach


1 PhD student of educational management at Allameh Tabataba’i University

2 Ph.D. Student of Educational Management at Kharazmi University

3 Master of Human Resource Improvement at Farhangian University


The purpose of the present study was to validate the questionnaire for assessing the quality of performances of faculty members of Farhangian University using the views of the faculty members of Farhangian University about the criteria and components of evaluation of the faculty members, as well as determining the appropriate evaluation points for each of the components and the examination of the professor’s performance in the university environment. The research method is survey type. The research population is composed of faculty members of Farhangian University. By analyzing the statistical society and matching their conditions with the research needs, a total of 247 professors were selected for the statistical sample by random sampling. In order to ensure validity, the agreement of experts in the field of monitoring and evaluation and some faculty members of the university was used. The preliminary implementation of this tool was done on a sample of 30 people. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated with Cronbach’s alpha (α = 0.87). SPSS software was used for analyzing the data using descriptive and inferential statistics. Also, an exploratory factor analysis was used to extract the components of the questionnaire, and validation factor analysis was used to validate the tool. Based on the findings of the research, five components of professional ethics, practicality, professional ability, academic teaching ability, and management and leadership of the class were recognized as the components of faculty assessment. The results show that university professors considered deputy education, department manager, students, and self-assessment as appropriate evaluation sources.


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