The pathology of the curriculum of the sixth grade of the elementary school

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor,Department of Education, Faculty of psychology & Education, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 M.A. in Curriculum Development, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Psychology & Education, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


The purpose of the present study is the pathology of the curriculum of the sixth grade of the elementary school. In this regard, three dimensions of structural, executive, and teaching problems are discussed. The research methodology is based on two quantitative and qualitative approaches. Statistical population was all sixth grade students of Yazd city. Using Cochran formula, 369 students were randomly selected. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire that confirmed the validity and reliability by teachers and professors. In order to analyze quantitative data, ANOVA with repeated measure, Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity, inter-subject effects test, multiple comparison test and Friedman rank variance test were used. Coding was also used to analyze qualitative data. Findings show that the main problems of the writing curriculum include structural problems with a mean rank (2.8), teaching problems with an average rating (2.6) and executive problems with an average rating (1.86). Also, the most important problems in the structural dimension were, respectively, the weakness of the general information, the lack of skills in writing the sentences of the beginning of the writing, and the lack of skills in the division of the essay into the sections of the beginning, the text and the conclusion. Also, in the area of executive issues, the most important challenges include the lack of freedom in choosing the csubjects, lack of tranquility and concentration in thinking, the uniteracing class, and the unimportance of teaching this lesson to students. In the dimension of teaching problems, the most important challeings were the selection of stereotypical and uniform subjects by teachers, the lack of attention to the expansion of the culture of reading and students' ignorance of the goals of the lesson.


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