Prediction of academic buoyancy based on academic engagement and psychological hardiness in secondary students

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Educational Research, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz.

2 PhD. Student of Curriculum Development, University of Tabriz.

3 Master of Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch


Academic buoyancy, academic engagement and psychological hardiness are effective factors in students learning and play an important eole in academic success. The aim the present study was to investigate the role of academic buoyancy based on students’ perception of academic engagement and psychological hardiness. The method of this study is correlational. Statistical population of this study comprised all of the secondary students of Chaypareh city in the academic year of 2016- 2017. By means of stratified clustered sampling a number of 302 students were selected based on chochrans formula. Data were collected through Martin & Marsh (2006) academic buoyancy questionnaire, Fredricks, Blumenfeld & Paris (2004) academic engagement and Kiamarsy, Najarian & Mehrabizade honarmand (1377) psychological hardiness. Data were analyzed by pearson correlation, multiple regression analysis through SPSS. The findings showed that there is a positive significant correlation between perception of academic engagement and psychological hardiness with academic buoyancy. The results of regression analysis also revealed that %29 of the total variance of academic buoyancy can be explained by perception of academic engagement and psychological hardiness.


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