A Study of the Epistemological Foundations of Education Based on Virtual Social Networks

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Philosophy of Education at Payame Noor University.

2 Assistant Professor of Distance Education Planning, Payame Noor University.

3 Associate Professor of Distance Education Planning, Payame Noor University.

4 PhD student in Distance Education Planning.


This study aims at investigating epistemological foundations of education through virtual social networks. This descriptive research enjoyed a theoretical study approach to analysis data and explain scientific references and documents. In This study, the different forms of distance learning and its educational-philosophical schools and related researches were examined. The results showed that social networks are powerful tools to create an educational environment. These networks enjoying connectivism can be introduce as a new generation of distance learning method. Moreover, the function of epistemological under the notion of the educational philosophy of connectivism were explained for the key elements of education through virtual social networks.


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