Analysis and Evaluation of a Number of Elementary School Textbooks in Terms of Attention to Life Skills Training with Emphasis on Communication Skills and Adaptive Coping

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. in Educational Management and Ph.D. Student in Clinical Psychology, Kish International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish Island, Iran


The aim of this study was to analyze the content of textbooks for teaching the Quran, mathematics, heavenly gifts, social studies, thinking and research, and work and technology of the primary education course (sixth grade) of the academic year 1399-99, based on communication skills and adaptive coping with descriptive methods. Type of content analysis was performed. The measurement tool was a researcher-made checklist whose validity was verified using experts' opinions and reliability was verified using Scott method (89.5) and reproducibility technique. The conceptual framework was designed in the form of 4 components and 20 indicators. The data from the content analysis were then analyzed using the three Shannon entropy steps. In all pages of the reviewed books (23 volumes, 2586 pages) 784 times the subject of life skills has been discussed, of which; The highest attention with 282 frequencies (36%) is related to the skill of "ability to establish adaptive interpersonal relationships" and the lowest attention with 137 times (17.5%) is related to the skill of "ability to cope with stress". Then, 208 times (26.5%) the skill of "ability to communicate effectively with others" and 157 times (20%) the skill of "ability to cope with emotions" have been considered in the above books. In these books, the highest importance factor is related to the skill of "ability to communicate effectively with others" (0.1739) and the lowest importance factor is related to "ability to cope with stress" (0.1465). The skill of "ability to cope with emotions" with a coefficient (1577%) is in the second priority and the skill of "ability to establish adaptive interpersonal relationships" with a coefficient of 0.1495 is in the third priority. The book "Teaching the Qur'an" in a total of six grades, 208 times; "Mathematics" 160 times; "Heavenly Gifts" has taught these skills 183 times and the book "Social Studies" a total of 174 times. According to the findings, it is concluded that it is mentioned in elementary school textbooks; More attention should be paid to the skills of coping with stress and excitement.


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