Provide a Model for Responding to Normal Schools to Children with Autism based on Behavior

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture and Urban planning, Faculty of Technical Engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A. Student in Architectural Engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to examine and accurately identify the behaviors of children with autism and their reactions to physical elements of education to determine the necessary framework for educational centers for these children, relying on the expert opinion of therapists active in this field, so that the majority can Generalized disorder cases are done. The results of this field study provide the minimum necessary changes in order to use normal children's educational centers for children with autism. The research method is descriptive survey. The data collection tool is a questionnaire of a construction researcher based on the expert opinion of active therapists in this field. This questionnaire was raised in the statistical community including active psychologists and therapists in the country in relation to children with autism, which were collected in a virtual group of 1064 people. To achieve the desired result of this questionnaire according to Cochran's formula requires at least 118 (sample size) answers. To determine the reliability, Cronbach's alpha of the questionnaire was first examined by SPSS 16 software. Then, the results of the therapists' responses were analyzed using Chi-square statistical analysis. The results of the Chi-square test of all the questions, according to psychologists, indicated that the expressions used and used in the design are effective in improving the education and treatment of children with autism. Finally, according to the results of the research, a suitable model for educational classes for children with autism was presented.


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