Evaluate the Formal Content of Shad Network from the Perspective of Elementary School Teachers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 BA. Student of Education Sciences, Farhangian University, Zahedan, Iran

2 Lecturer, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Zahedan, Iran


One of the functionalities in the student education network (Shad) is the existence of a section called formal content, in which all educational content for teachers and students is available in all subjects and at all levels of education. In this regard, the present study has evaluated the formal content section of the elementary school in Shad Network, from the perspective of elementary school teachers. The research method was qualitative phenomenology (lived experience). The study population was all primary school teachers in Mirjaveh city in the academic year 1399-1400 including 120 teachers and the sample size included 40 teachers who were purposefully selected for interview. After observing the principle of diversity and reaching theoretical saturation, finally, the interview of 34 teachers participating in the interview was recorded. The data collection tool was the use of semi-structured in-depth interviews. The qualitative data analysis tool from the interview was the use of coding process. By performing all three coding steps on the interview receipts, the most important advantages and limitations of the official content of Shad Network were identified from the perspective of elementary school teachers. As a result of data analysis, seven categories for the benefits of Shad network content include: content appropriate to the age and needs of learners, availability and persistence, attractive and effective, provided by experienced and top teachers in the country, quality content, providing the same content training at the national level, motivating and increasing the confidence of learners was achieved. There are also seven categories for the limitations of Shad network content, including: the high level of some content and its ambiguity, lack of attention to detail in the content, lack of two-way interaction, reduction or lack of focus of learners, lack of attention to individual differences, slow download speed and lack of content The existence of useful content in the lives of learners was obtained.


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