The Role of Knowledge-oriented Leadership in Knowledge Management Practices and Innovation

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Administration, Isfahan Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

2 M.Sc., Department of Educational Administration, Isfahan Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran


The present research aims at analyzing the structural relationship between perception of knowledge-oriented leadership and innovative operation with the intermediate role of knowledge-management operations using correlation. The research statistical population includes 810 primary school teachers of Isfahan City. Two hundred and sixty-one of them were selected using Cohen, Manion & Morrison (2000) sample size table. Then they were selected based on share-based, stratified random sampling method. Donate & Jesus. (2015) knowledge-oriented leadership questionnaire with 6 items, Zahra & Das. (1993) innovative operational questionnaire with five items, Davenport, DeLong & Beers. (1998) knowledge management treasury questionnaire with 13 items, Alavi &Lidner. (2001) knowledge management transference questionnaire with 8 items, Alavi & Tiwana. (2003) knowledge management application questionnaire with 5 items, Zahra et al. (1999) knowledge management creation questionnaire with 4 items were used to collect the data. Findings of the research have shown that there is a significant relationship between knowledge management creation variables, knowledge management transference, and the application of knowledge management with the employees` innovative operation. Also, there is a significant relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and knowledge management activities (P> 0.05). The structural relationships between knowledge-oriented leadership and innovative operation with intermediary role of knowledge management functions are From a favorable fit according to the degree of freedom indexes, Chi-Square was fitted to fit.


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