A Study of the Learned Experiences of Student-teachers from Narrative Inquiry Curriculum

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Farhangian university, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the learned experiences of student-teachers from the narrative inquiry curriculum. This research was carried out in a qualitative way and through the phenomenological method. The main question of the study was “What experiences did the student-teachers learn from the narrative inquiry curriculum?” The statistical population included the student-teachers of Farhangian University at Shahid Bahonar Campus in Hamadan (4th semester of elementary education) that during the implementation phase of the project, a group of 42 student-teachers were selected purposefully as the research sample and were trained for one semester using a narrative-based curriculum. At this stage, the learned experiences of student-teachers was studied through observation, interview, and review of their narrative projects. Data analysis using thematic analysis method showed that, through a model of narrative inquiry curriculum, the student-teachers learned diverse experiences in the knowledge domain (content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, technological knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, technological-pedagogical content knowledge), and in the skills domain (content knowledge in practice, pedagogical content knowledge in practice and technological-pedagogical content knowledge in practice) Furthermore, in the attitude domain, their attitude toward teaching, learning, and learner improved. In general, student-teachers gained valuable experiences in three areas of knowledge, skills and attitudes. The findings of this study can be used for planning the professional development of student-teachers at the Farhangian University.


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