Identification and Ranking of Strategies for Improving the Effectiveness of Sports Teaching Methods in Kermanshah Schools and Providing a Ideal Pattern

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Sports Management, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sports Management, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Management. Sport Sciences Research Institute, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to identify and rank strategies to improve the effectiveness of sports teaching methods in schools in Kermanshah province and provide the desired model. In terms of applied purpose, the present study was descriptive-survey and mixed (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of data collection method. In the first part (qualitative) for field interviews, the statistical population of the research, prominent professors in the field of sports management specializing in school sports as well as elite sports teachers were the country that these people were purposefully selected for qualitative interviews on research (13 interviews With 13 people and continued to the point of theoretical saturation) and in the second part (quantitative) after collecting information from qualitative research, made a questionnaire and this questionnaire (22 items in the form of three educational strategies, individual strategy and organizational strategy) Was distributed among sports teachers in Kermanshah province. The number of statistical population is 1100 people and the number of statistical samples according to Morgan table is 873 and the number of questionnaires that were returned correctly is 795 questionnaires. The sampling method was stratified-random. Use elongation and skewness indices to check the distribution of data (normal or abnormal) and to review and answer research questions and draw and develop a measurement model and structural model of SPSS software, SmartPLS and MaxQDA softwares were used. The results showed that each of them was determined that educational (0.875), individual (0.844) and organizational (0.801) strategies, respectively, are the most important strategies to improve the effectiveness of sports teaching methods in schools in Kermanshah province.


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